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We are your one stop shop for all things printing!

From banners and business cards to posters and postcards, our team of experts is ready to turn your project into a thing of beauty.

At Merlin we say "Our Business is Growing Yours!' Take a look at our products page for more ideas or call us today to discuss how we can get you growing too!

  • Have your file sent to us online before you've even had the chance to finish your coffee.

  • Ordering has never been easier. Plus, you're going to love the finished product.

  • Don't lose sleep over your project. Get an accurate quote and rest easy.



The Latest News

One of the most powerful ways to grab attention with your printed pieces is to finish them with specialty techniques that add texture, shine, or dimension. Of course, some methods are more cost-effective than others. Here are five cost-effective finishing techniques to help your printed materials shine without breaking the bank.

How do you shift potential buyers who have never heard of your product to customers eager to make a purchase? After all, nobody wakes up one day and decides, "I think I'll go out and buy a brand-new product I've never heard of." The journey involves a series of steps, from awareness to final sale. Providing relevant content at the right time can guide shoppers along.

When you create marketing communications, whether print or digital, you want your audience to read and remember them, right?